Prickly Mermaid Acupuncture & Herbs:
-Pain management
-Treatments for Women's, Transgender, and Non-Binary Sexual Health

You don't have to live in pain - no matter the type, acupuncture can help reduce severity and help you to heal quickly

About Prickly Mermaid Acupuncture and Herbs

When was the last time you received
care that helped resolve your issues?

Did you feel your concerns were heard?

Many of my patients have found that they are not believed or given treatments that help with their conditions when pursuing conventional medical treatments. Symptoms are dismissed, they are told they are overreacting, or that conventional medicine has no solution to offer them besides pain management that is often ineffective and doesn’t work towards resolving the issue, just placing a band-aid on it.  

Pain, especially chronic pain, is undervalued in how much it affects quality of life. As someone who has dealt with chronic pain, I know firsthand how detrimental it can be and how it impacts every aspect of life. Acupuncture quickly reduces the severity, frequency, and duration of pain, often resolving it completely within a few sessions. It is a great addition to managing chronic pain such as arthritis and patients tend to significantly reduce their pain medication as treatments progress.

If you are an athlete or injured, acupuncture can help you to have a faster recovery, reduce the likelihood of injuries, treat pain and injuries, reduce stress, improve sleep, and improve digestion – all things that will help you to better achieve your goals.

Pain and sexual health often go hand in hand and is something that is not often discussed. Especially for trans, non-binary, and cis-women, issues around sexual health are glossed over, ignored, or dismissed. This is a disservice and can detrimentally affect your quality of life. Pain with sex is common, but is never normal, and can come from both physical and emotional causes. Acupuncture can help resolve pain no matter what the origin may be, primarily using points on the arms and legs.

If you struggle with symptoms from perimenopause, painful, heavy, or no periods, low or no libido, painful sex, lack or orgasms, lack of lubrication, infertility, PCOS, endometriosis, anxiety, stress, sleep disruption, digestive issues, or general overwhelm, then there is help. We can get you back to living a full, healthy, and happy life through the gentle use of acupuncture and herbs.

And if you suffer from any of the various ills we have all accepted as a normal part of life: high stress, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, problems with sleep, headaches, body aches, allergies, difficulty regulating your nervous system, or fatigue, then you too can find relief with acupuncture. The general thought is: if you are not actively bleeding or something is broken, then it’s likely Chinese Medicine will help!

In this office, not only will your symptoms be believed, addressed, and reduced, but I will help you to find belief and trust in your body again. There are solutions that can help you to feel like yourself again and to stay that way. Chinese medicine not only teaches your body where a healthy balance exists but also how to maintain that balance on your own so that you won’t need treatments forever.

Life is busy and often complicated and we know you have a lot going on.

Together, we work on finding small changes to your diet and lifestyle to help resolve your symptoms quickly and effectively. We know that no one can maintain a “perfect lifestyle”, so we work with what you are able to do in your real, complex, and full life.

We offer in-person and telehealth appointments to all current and new patients and can also prescribe (and mail!) custom herbs to help with any issues. 

Reach out anytime and let us know how we can best support you!

About the practioner

Anna Francis,
Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac), MSOM, DiplOM

“I am not your typical medical practitioner. I understand the nuances of life, and want to support my patients in their health. For some, that means emphasizing rest. For others, it’s challenging culture’s views of fatphobia and weight gain. For most, it’s reducing stress and anxiety so you can live better.

When you work with me, you’ll experience a judgement-free space. I want my patients to come as they are, knowing they’ll be met with kindness and understanding.” 


Anna has been practicing Chinese Medicine since 2011. She studied at the Pacific College of Health and Science in New York and graduated top of her class from Southwest Acupuncture College in Colorado. She is nationally certified as a Diplomat in both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine by the NCCAOM.

Acupuncture has long been used to treat pain and Anna has continued her studies post-graduation learning new techniques in order to better serve her patients. Along with learning how to eliminate pain, Anna has a focus in scar work, both reducing the appearance of scars and improving healing, breaking up the scar tissue so that they don’t cause further issues or pain.

She has long been invested in treating sexual health and helping those with symptoms from perimenopause, low libido, anorgasmia, painful sex, menstrual pain, infertility, pelvic floor dysfunction, postpartum recovery, pregnancy, stress, anxiety, depression, poor sleep, poor digestion, headaches, body aches, and many other issues which can drastically affect the quality of life.  

Passionate about educating her patients, she gives them the information and tools they need to take charge of their health and effect huge changes in their lives. While many health issues people face may be common, they are not always normal, and no one should live with pain or discomfort. There is no “normal level” of pain or poor health, and Anna works to help you find solutions to get you back to living your best life


acupuncture needles

Chinese Medicine:
Acupuncture, Herbs,
Cupping, Gua Sha, & Moxa

Sexual Health
and Wellness Coaching

A fire cup being used